Trinity Students

Trinity Students Registration

In case of an emergency, if we can't reach the above parent(s), who should we contact?

The Fine Print:

Trinity Pentecostal Church may capture program/event photography and video footage. These may be displayed around the church for promotional purposes and/or placed on the church website/Facebook page.

Authorization to Participate

My (electronic) signature on this form is my certification that the above child(ren) is physically capable of engaging in the activities at Trinity Pentecostal Church, and I hereby give consent for my child(ren) to participate in such. I assume all risks of injury or damages of whatever type or form associated with my child’s participation in these activities. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Trinity Pentecostal Church from any and all claims arising from any injury or illness of my child during such activities.

Authorization for Emergency Treatment

Safety is our primary concern and precautions will be taken. I, the parent/guardian named below, authorize Trinity Pentecostal Church Personnel to provide basic first aid care as necessary, (ie. bandages, icepacks). Should my child(ren) require more care, I authorize Trinity Personnel to call 911 and consent to transporting my child(ren) via ambulance to receive necessary treatment.


This information is retained as part of our confidential records, as required by law.